headshot of me smiling

About me

Oh hi there! I'm Beatrice, a front end developer who recently graduated from Juno College of Technology. Previously from this exciting career change, I was an elementary school teacher, with a Bachelor in Music from a conservatory in Paris, France.

My creative mind is overjoyed when I make apps, and I love finding new ways to solve bugs. I am constantly trying to learn new tricks (and am so entertained by it!) and improve on my knowledge.

When I'm not coding (which is rare, I can't seem to stop 😂), I'm trying to pull hair off my tongue from kitty and dog cuddles, cooking up something delicious while singing, or enjoying the outdoors.

My skills & tools

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • Sass

  • JavaScript

  • React

  • jQuery

  • Firebase

  • Git

  • Github

  • Rest APIs

  • Responsive Design

  • Accessibility


Spill the beans

Do you just want to know what the movie's about? Let us spill the beans for any movie and get a giggle out of it too. The app spoils movies through GIFs. You can generate a new GIF on click, save your favorite ones or delete them once they're no longer funny. It was created with my amazing friends Brian, Jay, and Karleen.

Built with

Live Site | Github
screenshot of the group project
screenshot of the paired API project

Backstreet chat, alright!

Do you ever want to reminisce about the 90's? Hop in my time machine and share your best memories on this funky message board app, built with React and Firebase. It will bring you back(street), I promise!

Built with

Live Site | Github

What are we drinking tonight?

A cocktail recipe finder app that helps you find the perect drink for your night in or out. Uses two API calls, vanilla JavaScript and is responsive accross devices.

Built with

Live Site | Github
screenshot of the paired API project
screenshot of my bar-one project


Multi-page PSD made with a client brief and design files. The goal was to make it responsive across devices.

Built with

Live Site | Github

Contact Me

Thank you for making it this far!

Feel free to leave me comments or inquiries, I'd love to hear from you. Check out and reach out to me on my socials below!

You can also shoot an email at beatricegeorgeslemire@gmail.com